AustraliaBest BlogsSailing Nandji

Sailing Nandji: Plenty of Time…

Safely back on Nandji once again after a week away, it is time to explain how we nearly missed our flights…

Knowing this would be the last time in the Great Barrier Reef region, we were in no hurry to leave Lady Musgrave island. With flights booked, leaving from Brisbane, we had some ground to cover to make it there in time. We had just been scuba diving with a lovely family and after a few beers on the beach watching the sun set, it was going to be hard to leave the following day.

The question then arose of when were leaving came up and then we were invited to go for a dive again the following day. Sometimes when the carrot is dangled in front of your nose, you just eat the bloody carrot. So of course we accepted their offer and decided to stay one more day.

Having a little sleep in as my head was a little sore from watching the sunset the previous night, I stumbled around Nandji steadily tidying and preparing her for the long journey ahead. With the kettle boiled, I sat up stairs in the cockpit looking out to sea contemplating if we had made the right decision to stay.

The wind was up and blowing from the North East. A perfect day to be sailing south, down the coast. Patiently waiting for the weather report to be announced on the radio, I hoped this carrot we grabbed was not going to bite us in the bum.

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