Business Strategy Consulting Services by Growthink

Since 1999, Growthink has provided business strategy consulting services to thousands of clients who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.


Call Us Today at:

(800) 216 – 3710

Growthink’s Business Strategy Consulting Services

Growthink has over 20 years of experience in providing strategic consulting services to companies around the world.

We have helped thousands of emerging, middle-market and larger businesses achieve greater success by identifying strategic opportunities and developing effective strategic plans to achieve them.

Growthink has vast experience analyzing each key area of your business to identify strategic opportunities. For example, we can assess your:

  • Products and Services: to identify new opportunities and ways to refine existing offerings
  • Customers: to identify ways to better serve them and new customer segments to pursue
  • Markets: to assess your current market fundamentals and identify opportunities within and outside it
  • Competitors: to identify competitive weaknesses to exploit and ways to gain lasting competitive advantage
  • Processes: to determine ways to operationally improve
  • Business Model: to assess potential new strategies and opportunities to boost sales and profits

Speak with a Growthink Business Strategy Consultant

During your free consultation, we’ll listen to your goals and offer our initial advice on your business ideas, financing options, 
and growth opportunities. Then we can discuss specific business consulting services that might be right for you.

Complete the form, or call us at:

(800) 216-3710

Who We Serve

Since Growthink was founded in 1999, we have provided business strategy
consulting services for thousands of clients around the world including:


Mid-Sized to Larger Companies

Early Stage Entrepreneurs

Fortune 500 Companies

Small Business Owners

Non Profit and Government

Speak with a Growthink Business Strategy Consultant

During your free consultation, we’ll listen to your goals and offer our initial advice on your business ideas, financing options, 
and growth opportunities. Then we can discuss specific business consulting services that might be right for you.

Complete the form, or call us at:

(800) 216-3710

Representative Clients

Growthink clients compete in hundreds of different sectors and geographic markets. So, regardless of your sector or market, we have real-world expertise and experience to serve you better. Sample clients who have entrusted Growthink with their success include:

Speak with a Growthink Business Strategy Consultant

During your free consultation, we’ll listen to your goals and offer our initial advice on your business ideas, financing options, 
and growth opportunities. Then we can discuss specific business consulting services that might be right for you.

Complete the form, or call us at:

(800) 216-3710

What Our Clients Say

In addition to the massive success they’ve achieved, our clients have enjoyed working with us.
Here’s what some of our clients have said about Growthink’s quality business consulting services:
We really appreciated working with you! The team you assembled, the quality of your work and the process you took us through really helped us in our thinking. It wasn’t just the meetings and reports you created, but also the structured process that forced us to really think through our target customers, our marketing process, our onboarding process, what technology we must deliver and when – all of that was super helpful.
Josh Blair headshot
Josh Blair
Co-Founder & CEO, impro.AI
I worked with the team at Growthink to accelerate the development of the original Integreon business plan. They are a sharp, creative, and results-focused group. I recommend them highly to companies of all sizes looking to turbo-charge the development of their strategic business plans and their businesses.
Liam Brown headshot
Liam Brown
CEO, Integreon
I absolutely loved working with Growthink! They listened to our objectives and truly understood what our mission was prior to beginning our project. They hit all their milestones on-time and on-point. They ultimately delivered a very valuable tool that will have tremendous use to us in our growth.
Karen DiPeri headshot
Karen DiPeri
President, HMG Plus

Our Founders

Jay has over 25 years of experience in starting, building, advising, and investing in high-growth firms. His advisory work spans industries and market sectors, including corporate clients like Deutsche Bank, McKesson, Infospace, Samsung, Porsche, & Paramount Pictures seeking to inject entrepreneurship and innovation into their organizations. He has an MBA from the Anderson School at UCLA and a Bachelor’s degree from Stanford University.

Dave is a renowned business management consultant and the author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller “Start at the End: How Companies Can Grow Bigger and Faster by Reversing Their Business Plan,” published by Wiley. Dave has been a contributor for Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and other business publications. Dave has an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Virginia.

Speak with a Growthink Business Strategy Consultant

During your free consultation, we’ll listen to your goals and offer our initial advice on your business ideas, financing options, 
and growth opportunities. Then we can discuss specific business consulting services that might be right for you.

Complete the form, or call us at:

(800) 216-3710

Business Strategy Consulting FAQs

Business consultants work with business owners and executives to develop a plan that is tailored specifically for the business’ needs and goals.

Companies turn to strategy consultants because they need guidance on how best to allocate limited resources in order to stay ahead of the competition, facilitate sustained growth, and grow revenue. Strategy experts can help you increase sales, cut costs, market more effectively, develop business plans and implement business systems that will help you grow your business.

In cases when the executives seek to exit the business, Growthink can help develop an exit strategy plan for them.

A strategy consultant usually starts with an in-depth analysis of the business goals of the client. This analysis seeks to understand how the current practices align with the desired outcomes.

Once the business has received sound recommendations, consultants have the opportunity to support the implementation process.

In addition to their analysis, the consultant can provide data from their research and the competitive landscape so the business makes informed decisions in the best interest of the company. A strategy consulting firm offers guidance regarding how to get the best business results.

The Growthink team offers their deep expertise while providing a variety of strategy consulting services including:

Market Research

This is an analysis of how your business will meet its market needs. It can be used to help grow or even start new businesses, by exploring what customers are looking for in terms of products and features. The goal here is to create more value so you can boost sales while making sure that there’s demand for your product or service on the open market.

Business Analysis

Another major aspect of business consulting involves analyzing all areas of business operations. Each area contributes towards measurable business goals, which include things like sales generation, cost efficiency, and productivity levels within specific departments.

During this analysis, consultants usually monitor performance and business progress using statistical analysis to see if business objectives are being met. This helps business owners determine areas of improvement and also guides future decision-making processes.

Strategic Planning & Development

We can help you do more than analyze your business — we work with you on developing a strategic plan that will give you the best chance at achieving long-term goals.

Once we understand where your company is headed, we’ll be able to develop well-thought-out tactics that set realistic expectations for development and revenue generation. We’re very goal-oriented when it comes to helping clients fulfill their own business success and satisfaction levels as this directly impacts our reputation within the industry as experts in what we do.

Exit Strategy Development

Our consultants will analyze your brand reputation, customer base and track record of growth as these are common factors that make a business appealing to buyers. Other factors could include strong cash flow, patented intellectual property, or niche expertise.

After the analysis, we can create an exit strategy plan that provides a timeline of milestones to help you achieve your financial goal and exit successfully. This will maximize your chances of receiving an enviable acquisition offer from a company that is prepared to buy.

The strategy consultant will guide you through the process of business analysis, or determining how your organization is currently operating to see if it aligns with the desired outcomes. They will also analyze customer demand for current products and other services, industry trends, and competition to help evolve winning strategies to improve business operations and growth. It could take anywhere from 2-4 weeks depending on the complexity of your business goals.

Business consulting fees vary depending on the type of organization, the size of the business, and the complexity of the business’s strategic priorities.